Foot Care Practices for Distance Runners

Taking care of your feet as a runner is essential for a comfortable and injury-free experience. Start by carefully choosing your gear, especially your footwear, to prevent running injuries. Ensure a snug fit around the heel and instep to prevent friction and blisters, while leaving enough space in the toe box to accommodate downhill running and avoid bruised toenails. Choose moisture-wicking, anti-blister socks, and combine them with anti-chafe or diaper cream for lasting protection during long runs. While running, be attentive to any discomfort and take a brief pause to shake out your shoes, preventing hot spots and blisters. Consider using gaiters to shield your feet from external elements and eliminate the need for mid-run shoe cleanouts. Keep your toenails trimmed, moisturize your feet regularly, and use baby powder to keep them fresh and dry. Additionally, file down calluses to maintain a balance that prevents cracking and potential infections. Incorporate foot exercises such as the towel scrunch and resistance band calf stretch to prevent conditions like plantar fasciitis. It is suggested that you consult a podiatrist promptly if you notice any changes in your toenails or experience foot or ankle discomfort. 

All runners should take extra precaution when trying to avoid injury. If you have any concerns about your feet, contact one of our podiatrists of Westside Podiatry Center, LLP. Our doctors will treat your foot and ankle needs.

How to Prevent Running Injuries

There are a lot of mistakes a runner can make prior to a workout that can induce injury. A lot of athletes tend to overstretch before running, instead of saving those workouts for a post-run routine. Deep lunges and hand-to-toe hamstring pulls should be performed after a workout instead of during a warmup. Another common mistake is jumping into an intense routine before your body is physically prepared for it. You should try to ease your way into long-distance running instead of forcing yourself to rush into it.

More Tips for Preventing Injury

  • Incorporate Strength Training into Workouts - This will help improve the body’s overall athleticism
  • Improve and Maintain Your Flexibility – Stretching everyday will help improve overall performance
  • “Warm Up” Before Running and “Cool Down” Afterward – A warm up of 5-10 minutes helps get rid of lactic acid in the muscles and prevents delayed muscle soreness
  • Cross-Training is Crucial
  • Wear Proper Running Shoes
  • Have a Formal Gait Analysis – Poor biomechanics can easily cause injury

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of our offices located in Liverpool, Camillus, Skaneateles, Oswego, and Cicero, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Preventing Running Injuries

Ankle Sprains

Although ankle sprains may not be as serious as a broken ankle, they should be given immediate attention and care. An ankle sprain can lead to a significant amount of pain, as well as limited mobility. They are often characterized by the swelling and discoloration of the skin. This occurs when the ligaments are stretched beyond their limits.

The simple act of walking can sometimes cause a sprain, which makes ankle sprains a very common injury that can happen to anyone. They occur when the ankle twists in an awkward way or rolls over itself, causing a pop or snap in the tendons around the ankle. Some people are more at risk than others. These include athletes who continually push their bodies to the limits and also people who have previously suffered accidents to the feet, ankles, or lower legs.

Most of the time, an ankle sprain is not severe enough for hospital attention. There are many at-home treatment options available, including propping the leg up above your head to reduce blood flow and inflammation, applying ice packs to the affected area as needed, taking over-the-counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medication, using an ACE bandage to wrap and support the injured ankle, and most importantly, remaining off your feet until the ankle has fully healed.

Despite this, an ankle sprain can turn into a severe injury that might require hospitalization. If the ankle ligaments or muscles are damaged from a tear or rip, that is one sign that the sprain is severe enough for hospital attention and possibly for surgery. Even after the surgery, the recovery process can be long. You may need to have rehabilitation sessions administered by your podiatrist to get your ankle back to full health.

The severity of your sprain might become apparent if you are unable to stand or walk, consistent pain occurs over a prolonged period of time, swelling is much more severe than initially present, or if you start to experience tingling or numbness. These signs may indicate that your ankle sprain might actually be a broken ankle, an injury that requires immediate medical attention.

Although they are not completely avoidable, ankle sprains can be curbed with some preventative treatment measures. These include wearing appropriate-fitting shoes that not only provide a comfortable fit, but also ankle support. It is also recommended to stretch before doing any kind of physical activity, as this will help lower your body’s chance for an injury.

Is My Ankle Sprained or Broken?

Ankle injuries, a common woe for sports enthusiasts, often leave you wondering: Is it a sprain or a break? Understanding the nuances is imperative for effective treatment. A sprain occurs when ligaments, which are the connectors between bones and joints, are forcefully stretched beyond their normal range. Notably, ankle sprains take the lead as the most prevalent sports injury. Conversely, a fracture entails a break in a bone, with a broken ankle indicating damage to tibia and fibula in the leg or calcaneus and talus bones of the foot. Fractures cause sudden pain and noticeable swelling, whereas stress fractures, smaller cracks in the bone, bring intense pain with less swelling. When uncertainty looms, seeking medical guidance is paramount. Consult a podiatrist if you suspect a fracture or ruptured ligament. Tenderness over a bone and an irregular shape of the leg or joint may signify a break or dislocation, necessitating immediate attention. An accurate diagnosis ensures the right intervention, whether it is rest and rehabilitation for a sprain or more intensive measures for a fracture. If you have sustained a serious ankle injury, be it a sprain or a fracture, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist.

Although ankle sprains are common, they aren’t always minor injuries. If you need your ankle injury looked at, contact one of our podiatrists from Westside Podiatry Center, LLP. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

How Does an Ankle Sprain Occur?

Ankle sprains are the result of a tear in the ligaments within the ankle. These injuries may happen when you make a rapid shifting movement while your foot is planted. A less common way to sprain your ankle is when your ankle rolls inward while your foot turns outward.

What Are the Symptoms?

  • Pain at the sight of the tear
  • Bruising/Swelling
  • Ankle area is tender to touch
  • In severe cases, may hear/feel something tear
  • Skin discoloration

Preventing a Sprain

  • Wearing appropriate shoes for the occasion
  • Stretching before exercises and sports
  • Knowing your limits

Treatment of a Sprain

In many cases, the RICE method (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevate) is used to treat ankle sprains. However, you should see a podiatrist to see which treatment option would work best with your injury. In severe cases, surgery may be required.

It is important to ask your doctor about rehab options after you receive treatment for your injury. Stretching, strength training, and balance exercises may help the ankle heal while also preventing further injury.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of our offices located in Liverpool, Camillus, Skaneateles, Oswego, and Cicero, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Ankle Sprains


Sesamoiditis is a condition in which the sesamoid bones in the forefoot become inflamed from physical activity. Sesamoid bones are bones that are not connected to other bones but are located in tendons or muscle. Two of these sesamoid bones are very small and located on the underside of the foot near the big toe. Athletes such as runners, baseball and football players, and dancers are likely to experience sesamoiditis. Those with high arched feet, flat feet, or runners who run on the ball of their foot are also prone to suffer from sesamoiditis.

Symptoms include pain or throbbing on the ball of the foot near the big toe. The pain generally starts with a mild throbbing but gradually builds up to shooting pain. Bruising, swelling, and redness are possible, but in most cases, these symptoms are not present. However, moving the big toe can result in pain and difficulty.

To conduct a diagnosis, the podiatrist will examine the ball of the foot and big toe. They will look for any outliers and check the movement of the toe. X-rays will be taken to rule out any other conditions and ensure that it is sesamoiditis.

Treatment for sesamoiditis is generally mild and includes rest, anti-inflammatory and pain medication, and ice treatments to deal with the swelling and pain. Orthotics may be needed with people who have flat or high arched feet to relieve pressure off the bones. In some cases the toe will be taped and immobilized to allow healing. The podiatrist may also decide to use a steroid injection to help with swelling as well. If you have sesamoiditis, you shouldn’t engage in any intensive activity, as it may inflame the area and worsen your pain. If the sesamoid bone has fractured, surgery may be required to remove the sesamoid bone.

If you are suffering from sesamoiditis or are experiencing symptoms similar to sesamoiditis, you should stop all physical activity that puts strain on the area. Furthermore you should see a podiatrist for a diagnosis to see if you have sesamoiditis.

Pain Caused by Sesamoiditis

Sesamoiditis causes pain beneath the big toe and is often exacerbated by weight-bearing and specific footwear choices. The two tiny sesamoid bones, located just below the big toe, are integral to foot locomotion. They can be affected by direct trauma or positional changes, especially in individuals with high-arched feet, bunions, or those who wear high heels. For dancers, joggers, and those individuals with certain foot structures, the discomfort associated with sesamoiditis can be particularly challenging. Diagnosis by a podiatrist relies on examination of the toe, and determining range of motion. Other tests, such as synovial fluid analysis and X-rays, may be used to exclude infection and fractures. Pain from sesamoiditis is often intensified by walking and may involve inflammation, warmth, and swelling around the 1st metatarsophalangeal, or MTP, joint. Footwear modification and custom orthotics can play a pivotal role in managing symptoms. Wearing thick-soled shoes may also help alleviate sesamoid pressure. In cases where a sesamoid fracture without displacement is identified, treatment involves immobilizing the joint with a flat, rigid, surgical shoe. For help with pain resulting from sesamoiditis, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist for an exam and treatment.

Sesamoiditis is an unpleasant foot condition characterized by pain in the balls of the feet. If you think you’re struggling with sesamoiditis, contact one of our podiatrists of Westside Podiatry Center, LLP. Our doctors will treat your condition thoroughly and effectively.


Sesamoiditis is a condition of the foot that affects the ball of the foot. It is more common in younger people than it is in older people. It can also occur with people who have begun a new exercise program, since their bodies are adjusting to the new physical regimen. Pain may also be caused by the inflammation of tendons surrounding the bones. It is important to seek treatment in its early stages because if you ignore the pain, this condition can lead to more serious problems such as severe irritation and bone fractures.

Causes of Sesamoiditis

  • Sudden increase in activity
  • Increase in physically strenuous movement without a proper warm up or build up
  • Foot structure: those who have smaller, bonier feet or those with a high arch may be more susceptible

Treatment for sesamoiditis is non-invasive and simple. Doctors may recommend a strict rest period where the patient forgoes most physical activity. This will help give the patient time to heal their feet through limited activity. For serious cases, it is best to speak with your doctor to determine a treatment option that will help your specific needs.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact one of our offices located in Liverpool, Camillus, Skaneateles, Oswego, and Cicero, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Sesamoiditis

Plantar Warts Can Be Treated!

Plantar warts are small growths that develop on parts of the feet that bear weight. They're typically found on the bottom of the foot. Don't live with plantar warts, and call us today!

Toe Pain

Toe pain can originate from corns, calluses, hammertoes, and bunions, as well as ingrown toenails, sprains, fractures, and dislocations. Corns develop as the toe rubs against the inside of a shoe which causes the skin to thicken as a form of protection. A corn is typically cone-shaped and has a small, hardened spot that points inward. When a corn is pressed into the skin, the toe becomes painful. Corns usually form on the top or side of the toe. A callus is also a thickened patch of skin that generally forms on the bottom of the foot. Calluses are the result of friction from the toe rubbing against the inside of a shoe. They may also occur by walking barefoot or having flat feet. A hammertoe is a bump on the knuckle of the second toe that is produced by wearing shoes that are too short for your feet. The bony protrusion rubs against the top of the shoe causing pain and irritation. A bunion is a malformation of the big toe. The base of the big toe pushes away from the smaller toes, forcing the top of the big toe to press toward the other toes. Bunions can be hereditary, or they can result from injury to the toe joint or from wearing high heels with a narrow toe box. The toe becomes inflamed, and a bump may develop at the end of the misplaced bone. Ingrown toenails typically affect the big toe and its surrounding skin. The nail will dig into the skin and become painful. Wearing tight or narrow shoes that compress the big toe causes the nail to grow into the fleshy part of the toe. Cutting toenails incorrectly can also add to the development of an ingrown toenail. A toe sprain originates from a torn or stretched ligament. Strapping the injured toe to the toe next to it for stabilization is common. A broken or fractured toe usually occurs from trauma like dropping a heavy object on it or bumping into something extremely hard and rigid. Osteoporosis, a thinning of the bones, can also bring about toe fractures. 

Any of the conditions mentioned can lead to pain and irritation. While some are more serious than others, seeking an examination and diagnosis from a podiatrist is a good idea. A podiatrist can treat each ailment and get you back on your feet again without pain.


Causes and Symptoms of Toe Arthritis

Toe arthritis is a common condition that affects quality of life and can be recognized by a number of symptoms. One of the main symptoms of toe arthritis is stiffness, resulting from cartilage wear and inflammation that makes joint movement challenging. Swelling, particularly in the toes, can impede the simple act of putting on shoes and walking. Pain is one of the most prevalent symptoms of toe arthritis, ranging from a persistent ache to sharp, stabbing sensations affecting all or specific toes. Changes in appearance, such as toe enlargement or rotation due to cartilage wear and bone grinding, may occur. Clicking and popping sounds often accompany a decrease in cartilage, leading to audible bone friction. A locked joint, temporarily preventing toe bending, can result from severe swelling and stiffness. Heat and tenderness in the toes may indicate increased blood flow caused by inflammation. Recognizing the symptoms of toe arthritis is important for early detection and effective podiatric intervention. This also can lead to better foot health and overall well-being. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist for an exam, diagnosis and personalized treatment plan.

Toe pain can disrupt your daily activities. If you have any concerns, contact one of our podiatrists of Westside Podiatry Center, LLP. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

What Causes Toe Pain?

Most severe toe pain is caused due to a sports injury, trauma from dropping something heavy on the toe, or bumping into something rigid. Other problems can develop over time for various reasons.

Toe pain can be caused by one or more ailments. The most common include:

  • Trauma
  • Sports injury
  • Wearing shoes that are too tight
  • Arthritis
  • Gout
  • Corns and calluses
  • Hammertoe
  • Bunions
  • Blisters
  • Ingrown toenails
  • Sprains
  • Fractures (broken bones)
  • Dislocations

When to See a Podiatrist

  • Severe pain
  • Persistent pain that lasts more than a week
  • Signs of infection
  • Continued swelling
  • Pain that prevents walking


In many cases the cause of toe pain is obvious, but in others, a podiatrist may want to use more advanced methods to determine the problem. These can range from simple visual inspections and sensation tests to X-rays and MRI scans. Prior medical history, family medical history, and any recent physical traumatic events will all be taken into consideration for a proper diagnosis.


Treatments for toe pain and injuries vary and may include shoe inserts, padding, taping, medicines, injections, and in some cases, surgery. If you believe that you have broken a toe, please see a podiatrist as soon as possible.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact one of our offices located in Liverpool, Camillus, Skaneateles, Oswego, and Cicero, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic tools and technology to treat your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Toe Pain

Working on Your Feet

Foot care is important regardless of your profession, but those who work on their feet must pay special attention. Bunions, calluses, blisters, and plantar warts are just a few of the many conditions that can arise after standing all day. While painful at their worst, these conditions can easily be avoided with the right foot care. This includes both appropriate footwear and proper posture—important elements that affect the health of your feet.

Choosing appropriate footwear means choosing a shoe that has a negative heel. This means that the heel is slightly lower than the ball of your foot, which places less of a strain. If you have a profession that requires you to be on your feet all day, investing in a pair of high-quality shoes is pertinent. High-quality shoes can be purchased from a respected manufacturer that emphasizes foot care and foot health.

Despite the regularity of wearing shoes, the feet are naturally not designed to be enclosed. Regular “barefoot” time for your feet can be beneficial for foot health. Among other methods, allowing your feet to breathe can help alleviate the pain and pressure your feet may be experiencing from being on your feet all day.

Simple foot exercises and yoga positions can help improve both the health and function of your feet. Active foot exercises that create movement will stimulate your foot’s blood flow and circulation, and yoga positions that place your feet flat onto the floor will stretch out their muscles. Yoga is particularly beneficial for your Achilles tendon and calf muscles, which are areas that can become especially problematic if not taken care of. Foot exercises and yoga positions can be easily performed every day at virtually any location and any time; whether it is at the office, at the gym, or at home right before you go to bed. Simple stretching can increase your foot health by miles.

The foot pain you experience after lengthy hours working on your feet may seem inevitable and unavoidable; in reality, however, that is not the case. Wearing proper footwear and performing simple foot exercises and stretches can help ease foot pain and allow you to truly avoid frustrating foot problems.

Your feet can easily be kept healthy with some education and a little effort. Pain that begins at the feet can eventually affect the whole body. Begin taking care of your feet now!

Types of Workplace Foot Injuries

Studies have shown the majority of workplace related injuries that affect the feet are punctures, crushing, sprains, lacerations, slips, trips, and falls. Stepping on nails, shards of glass, or other sharp objects can result in puncture wounds to the feet. These injuries can be particularly dangerous, as they can introduce bacteria into the body, possibly leading to infections. Sharp tools and equipment can cause lacerations to the feet, resulting in bleeding and the risk of infection. Slips and falls can be attributed to wet floors, cluttered walkways, or uneven surfaces. When an employee falls, the feet are often the first point of contact with the ground, making them susceptible to injuries such as fractures, sprains, and bruises. Standing for extended periods of time on hard flooring, combined with wearing ill fitting shoes, can lead to foot fatigue. Fatigue can set employees up for further injuries and decrease their alertness. The main way to avoid many of these types of injuries is by wearing protective footwear appropriate for the type of work environment. If you need help managing foot conditions that result from work related injuries, it is suggested that you consult a podiatrist.

While working on the feet, it is important to take the proper care of them. For more information about working on your feet, contact one of our podiatrists from Westside Podiatry Center, LLP. Our doctors will treat your foot and ankle needs.

Working on Your Feet

Standing on your feet for long periods of time can cause stress and pain in your feet. Your whole body may experience change in terms of posture, back pain, bunions, callouses and or plantar warts. There are ways to avoid these conditions with proper foot care, smart choices and correct posture.

Positive Changes

Negative heeled shoe – Choosing this shoe type places the heel slightly lower than the ball of the foot. These are great for overall foot health. Find shoes that fit you correctly.

Go barefoot – Our feet were not designed to be enclosed for all hours of the day. Try to periodically expose your feet to air.

Eliminate Pain

Foot Exercises – Performing simple exercises, incorporating yoga and doing stretches are beneficial. This will allow increased blood flow to the area and muscles of the foot.

Achilles tendon – Stretching the foot out flat on the floor will relax the calf muscles and tendon. These exercises can be performed almost anywhere. Make sure you add these exercises to your daily regimen. 

With a little bit of this information and knowing more about foot health, you will notice changes. Foot stretches and proper footwear will help with pain and prevent further issues.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact one of our offices located in Liverpool, Camillus, Skaneateles, Oswego, and Cicero, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Working on Your Feet

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